| AdmiNuL a întrebat:

Am o problema, si aceea ar fi: cand deschid Minecraft-ul pe versiunea 1.8, deschid orice mapa si imi da crash cu urmatorul mesaj: "Jun 06, 2015 8:29:11 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Loading tweak class name optifine. OptiFineTweaker
Jun 06, 2015 8:29:11 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Using primary tweak class name optifine. OptiFineTweaker
Jun 06, 2015 8:29:11 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Calling tweak class optifine. OptiFineTweaker
OptiFineTweaker: acceptOptions
OptiFineTweaker: injectIntoClassLoader skipped, OptiFine is loaded as a library
OptiFineTweaker: getLaunchArguments
OptiFineTweaker: getLaunchTarget
Jun 06, 2015 8:29:11 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
[20:29:17] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: avgustcelmare
[20:29:17] [Client thread/INFO]: (Session ID is token:1337535510N:d66f346c7d993054a3b4417629ac4121)
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh. func_149713_g
[20:29:21] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
[OptiFine] OptiFine_1.8.4_HD_U_D4
[OptiFine] Sat Jun 06 20:29:23 EEST 2015
[OptiFine] OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
[OptiFine] Java: 1.7. 0_79, Oracle Corporation
[OptiFine] VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
[OptiFine] LWJGL: 2.9.4
[OptiFine] OpenGL: Intel Bear Lake B, version 1.4.0 - Build, Intel
[OptiFine] OpenGL Version: 1.4
[OptiFine] OpenGL Fancy fog: Not available (GL_NV_fog_distance)
[OptiFine] OpenGL Occlussion culling: Not available (GL_ARB_occlusion_query)
[OptiFine] Maximum texture size: 2048x2048
[OptiFine] Checking for new version
[20:29:23] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default
[OptiFine] *** Reloading textures ***
[OptiFine] Resource packs: Default
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: ModLoader
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraft.src.FMLRenderAccessLibrary
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: LightCache
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: BlockCoord
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer$ItemRenderType
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: anm.getSkyRenderer
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: anm.getCloudRenderer
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: anm.getWeatherRenderer
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: adm.countEntities
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: adm.getPerWorldStorage
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.IRenderHandler
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.world. WorldEvent$Load
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScree nEvent$Pre
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScree nEvent$Post
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$Fo gColors
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$Fo gDensity
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$Re nderFogEvent
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event$Result

[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.world.ChunkWatchEvent$UnWatch
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.getBedDirection
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.isBedFoot
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.hasTileEntity
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.canCreatureSpawn
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.addHitEffects
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.addDestroyEffects
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.isAir
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.canRenderInLayer
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: pk.captureDrops
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: pk.capturedDrops
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: pk.shouldRenderInPass
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: pk.canRiderInteract
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: akw.shouldRenderInPass
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: akw.getRenderBoundingBox
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: akw.canRenderBreaking
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: zw. onEntitySwing
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: pf.isCurativeItem
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aak.getRecordResource
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bmv$b.preDraw
[OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bmv$b. postDraw
[OptiFine] Version found: D4
[20:29:38] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
[20:29:39] [Thread-7/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[20:29:39] [Thread-7/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
[20:29:43] [Thread-7/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
[20:29:43] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
[OptiFine] Multitexture: false
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/0_glass_white/glass_pane_white.pro perties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/0_glass_white/glass_white.properti es
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/10_glass_purple/glass_pane_purple. properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/10_glass_purple/glass_purple.prope rties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/11_glass_blue/glass_blue.propertie s
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/11_glass_blue/glass_pane_blue.prop erties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/12_glass_brown/glass_brown.propert ies
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/12_glass_brown/glass_pane_brown.pr operties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/13_glass_green/glass_green.propert ies
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/13_glass_green/glass_pane_green.pr operties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/14_glass_red/glass_pane_red.proper ties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/14_glass_red/glass_red.properties

[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/15_glass_black/glass_black.propert ies
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/15_glass_black/glass_pane_black.pr operties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/1_glass_orange/glass_orange.proper ties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/1_glass_orange/glass_pane_orange.p roperties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/2_glass_magenta/glass_magenta.prop erties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/2_glass_magenta/glass_pane_magenta .properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/3_glass_light_blue/glass_light_blu e.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/3_glass_light_blue/glass_pane_ligh t_blue.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/4_glass_yellow/glass_pane_yellow.p roperties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/4_glass_yellow/glass_yellow.proper ties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/5_glass_lime/glass_lime.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/5_glass_lime/glass_pane_lime.prope rties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/6_glass_pink/glass_pane_pink.prope rties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/6_glass_pink/glass_pink.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/7_glass_gray/glass_gray.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/7_glass_gray/glass_pane_gray.prope rties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/8_glass_silver/glass_pane_silver.p roperties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/8_glass_silver/glass_silver.proper ties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/9_glass_cyan/glass_cyan.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/9_glass_cyan/glass_pane_cyan.prope rties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/bookshelf.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/glass.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/glasspane.properties
[OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/sandstone.properties
[OptiFine] Multipass connected textures: false
[20:30:12] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512 textures-atlas
[OptiFine] *** Reloading custom textures ***
[OptiFine] Loading custom colors: textures/colormap/grass.png
[OptiFine] Loading custom colors: textures/colormap/foliage.png
[20:31:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.8.4
[20:31:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[20:31:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[20:31:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[20:31:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 33%
[20:31:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 50%
[20:31:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 2, from 10
[20:31:25] [Server thread/INFO]: avgustcelmare[local:E:df23fa04] logged in with entity id 453 at (38. 28236865023133, 68.875, -535. 0374193073183)
[20:31:25] [Server thread/INFO]: avgustcelmare joined the game
[20:31:33] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 7385ms behind, skipping 147 tick(s)
[20:32:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 14053ms behind, skipping 281 tick(s)
[20:32:04] [Server thread/INFO]: avgustcelmare has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory]
[20:32:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] avgustcelmare has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory]
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x4b224a77, pid=4008, tid=3904
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7. 0_79-b15) (build 1.7. 0_79-b15)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (24.79-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [ig4icd32.dll+0x104a77][20:32:13] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 8895ms behind, skipping 177 tick(s)

# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Roaming\. minecraft\hs_err_pid4008.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed"! Va rog ajutati-ma... Cred ca e ori de la memoria ram(insuficienta), ori de la Java! Mentionez ca pe 1.7.2 sau alte versiuni nu-mi face asa. Aceasta problema a aparut de cand am facut update la java.

4 răspunsuri:
| Qweerrrtttyyy a răspuns:

Ia-ti JAVA 8 happy

| AdmiNuL explică (pentru Qweerrrtttyyy):

Frate, de cand mi-am luat java 8 au inceput problemele...

| Qweerrrtttyyy a răspuns:

Verifica pe cati biti ai windowsul si cauta java pe biti aia

| Antone068 a răspuns:

Hei, este posibil să aveți un try pe acest optimizare sistem numit SmartPCFixer care ar putea repara erorile de ferestre întotdeauna perfect. În afară de fixare erorile DLL, acest instrument este, de asemenea, renumit pentru accelerarea computerului. Am primit asta de la acest articol, atunci când am încercat să stabilească problema mea fp4apws_dll. http://www.dlllibrary.net/. Sper că acest lucru ar putea lucra. Noroc.