Sall : Nu stiu daca toate o sa-ti mearga si NU sunt toate GRATIS (majoritatea nu-s) : WoW, LoL, DotA, DotA 2, Smite, HotS, The Forest, Hearthstone, metin2, 4Story,Perfect World, Magic World Online, Rift, Subnautica, Seria assassins creed, seria far cry, skyrim, minecraft, the witcher, watch dogs, sleeping dogs, tome immortal, the walking dead, the binding of isaac(seria), seria prototype, seria CoD, Team fortress 2, Magicka wizard wars, Amnesia, Outlast,Outlast whistleblower,trove,seria cs,APB reloaded,seria GTA,this war of mine, seria mortal kombat,plague INC,Kingdoms of amalur reckoning,fallen earth, seria diablo,seria starcraft,seria sims,seria slenderman,seria five night's at freddy's, the wolf among us, seria borderlands,the last of us,seria dark souls,how to survive, dead state,the house,blade symphony,xenonauts,ruse,alien isolation,killing floor,seria batman, seria spiderman,the evil within,depth,ryse son of rome,metro redux,seria trine, risk of rain, super meat boy, seria mass efect, seria battlefield, mirror's edge, the hunter primal, mad max, elite dangerous, kingdoms rise, dying rise, lords of the fallen, seria God of war, don't starve, castlevania lords of shadow (1, 2), Thief, Hellraid, war of the vikings, Routine, the flock, shadow of mordor, seria dead island, seria final fantasy, murdered soul suspect, among the sleep, 1979 revolution, ghost of a tale.
Poti sa joci League Of Legends, e un joc foarte tare! Fa-ti cont pe EUNE si daca vrei ne jucam impreuna.Eu am level maxim, 30 si sunt argint 5.Add ChipSiDale
Poti juca The Darkness 2, i am alive, eventual The Walking Dead, Skyrim, need for speed daca iti place, ninja blade, assassins creed, Mafia, Serious Sam, Titanfall, Dead Space, Resident Evil. Funda?
Sa incerc ceva, si atunci vom vedea
Si eu sunt fata si mie îmi plac jocurile de genul asta îți recomand MINECRAFT si THE SIMS 4! Funda
Buna! Iti recomand:
-Tomb Raider 2013
-Mafia 2
-Battlefield 2 (un fel de cs Mai interesant)
-Saints Row The third/4
-Darksiders 2
-Sniper Elite V1/V2
-Need for Speed Undercover
-Far Cry 2
-War Thunder
-The Saboteur
-World of Tanks
-World of Warplanes
-Five nights at Freddy's 1/2
-The Forest(ceva Gen Minecraft cu canibali si cu o grafica Mai buna)
-Test Drive Unlimited 1/2
-Crysis 1/2/3
-Crysis Warhead
-Assassins Creed
-Max Payne 1/2/3
-Team Fortress
-Arma 2/3 (1 este foarte naspa)
DayZ Mod (iti trebuie ArmA 2)
-DayZ Standalone (nu iti trebuie arma)
-Watch Dogs
-Slepping Dogs
Cam atat.Bafta! Funda?
Pai depinde si ce jocuri... Adica daca esti destul de buna si ai reactii iti recomand jocuri multiplayer gen : cs go, smite, dota 2... Daca nu te pricepi asa de bine si totusi vrei multiplayer mai sunt jocuri banale precum : World of Worldcraft, Metin2, 4story... Iar daca esti fan jocuri rpg si singleplayer sunt bine venite orice jocuri gen : Splinter cell blacklist, Saints Row IV, GTA, Whatch Dogs, Assassin's Creed etc... Sper ca ajutat si o seara cat mai placuta :* (P.S. Daca te apuci de multiplayer si nu ai prieteni cu care te poti juca sau cineva care sa te ajute poti sa-mi dai add la mail : ruse. sau skype: RoadMerolio )
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