E bun! Incearca astea:
Battlefield 3
Assassin's creed I, II, III - ( Assassin; s creed 3 nu stiu sigur daca iti va merge dar incearca!)
Nfs most wated 2012
Nfs shift
Race driver grid
I am alive
Spec ops The line
Call of duty modern warfare 3
Call of duty Black ops I, II
Fifa 11, 12, 13, 14
Tomb raider 2013
Sniper ghost warrior
Street Fighter IV
Gears of war
Call of juarez gunslinger
GTA IV ETC... Sunt multe care iti functioneaza daca vrei sa vezi daca iti merge un anumit joc cauta pe google numele jocului si scrii system requirements de ex Call of duty modern warfare 2 system requirments si vezi daca te incadrezi!
Depinde de cat e placa video!
Totusi iti zic unele:
Hitman blood Money
Hitman 1, 2
Gta san andreas
Tomb raider underworld,
Battlefield bad company 2 ( in caz ca placa video e de 256)
Battlefield 2
Call of duty 1, 2
Call of duty 4 Modern warfare 1
Fifa 07
Fifa 08
Fifa 09
NFs world
Nfs Underground 1, 2
Nfs carbon
Nfs hot pursuit
Nfs Most Wanted black edition
Apropo placa video este de 2gb
E bun! Incearca astea:
Battlefield 3
Assassin's creed I, II, III - ( Assassin; s creed 3 nu stiu sigur daca iti va merge dar incearca!)
Nfs most wated 2012
Nfs shift
Race driver grid
I am alive
Spec ops The line
Call of duty modern warfare 3
Call of duty Black ops I, II
Fifa 11, 12, 13, 14
Tomb raider 2013
Sniper ghost warrior
Street Fighter IV
Gears of war
Call of juarez gunslinger
GTA IV ETC... Sunt multe care iti functioneaza daca vrei sa vezi daca iti merge un anumit joc cauta pe google numele jocului si scrii system requirements de ex Call of duty modern warfare 2 system requirments si vezi daca te incadrezi!
xScorpion4626 întreabă: