Pai : Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Airborne, CoD Black Ops, MW2 etc , Call of Juarez : Bound in Blood si The Cartel.Cam atat imi mai aduc aminte
Mafia 2, Left 4 dead, warcraft 3, batman arky, arkham city, batman arkham asylum, assasins creed (revelations, brotherhood si 2), far cry (1 si 2) si Max Payne 3. Vezi ca unele au cerinte mari. Succes
Sall aici e toate jocurile[o parte din ele]
Fresh sincer si eu am un pc fain si folosesc jocurile urmatoare:Sam and Max, Counter Strike.1.6(adrenaline,Romania,bestial etc). Sims:1.2,Age of Empires 2 sau 3. daca vrei alte detalii spune ok?