Iata citeva:
-Gta VC, SA, 3, 4,
-Call of duty Modern warfare, Black ops
-Left 4 dead toate
-Crysis 1, 2, 3
-Battlefield toate
-Fall out 1, 2, 3
-Counter strike
-Assassin's creed toate
-Sniper ghost warrior toate
-Elite sniper toate
-Far cry 1, 2, 3
-Mafia 1, 2
-Half life 1, 2
-Sims toate
-Tomb raider
-Resident evil 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
-Dead island
-Metro 2033, Last night
-Just cause toate
-Hitman absolutionrofessional edition
-Darksiders 1, 2
-Prototype toate
Scoteti frate tomb raider ii forte fain ata imi place ca numa pa el as sta
Sniper ghost 2 ti-l recomand, mi-a placut foarte mult, o sa apara in 2014 sau in septembrie call of duty Modern Warfare 4, dar sa nu astepti, iti recomand metro 2033 bafta funda!
Am metro 2033 pe steam, cumparat, sniper ghost 2 l-am terminat fix dupa ce a aparut.
Paii.cel mai beton shooter e Black Oops 2. Dar un shooter destul de bun si nou este,, Operation Flashpoint The RedRuver''
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