Left 4 Dead, MineCraft, Just Cause, Battlefield 1942
Worms Reloaded
Trackmania nations forever
Super meat boy
Garrys mod
Serious Sam
Max Payne
Quake 3
Eu joc foarte multe shootere si o sa-ti dau o lista cu jocuri shootere pe care le-am jucatsi Ops,Infernal,Timeshift,Rogue Trooper,Freedom Fighters,Rogue Warrior,El Matador,Hour Of Vicory,Conflict Denied Ops,Desert Storm,UberSoldier,Crimes Of War,Contract J.A.C.K.,The Mark,Mademan, Mafia, The Hell In Vietnam.
Incearca Total Overdose, e ceva gen GTA combinat cu Matrix, este un joc foarte bun
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