In Survival cam toate sunt cu zombies/creaturi, cam toate sunt SF:
- The forest
- 7 days to die
- State of Decay
- Don't Starve
- This War of mine
- The Long Dark
- Farming Simulator 2017
- Kerbal Space Program
- Car mechanic simulator 2015
- SimCity
- Train Simulator
Shooter ( fara SF: overwatch, PlanetSide 2, DOOM, Borderlands, ):
- Call of Duty
- Battlefield
- Medal of Honor
- FarCry
- ARMA 3
- Metro
- Insurgency
Survival: Infestation: The New Z este gratuit pe steam.
FPS MMO: PlanetSide2 Gratuit pe steam.
The Last Man Standing gratuti pe steam este ca Playeruknow Battleground.
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