Strategie rts: Warcraft 3 reign of chaos, Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, Age of Mythology, age of empires 2/3, c&c Generals, Blitzkrieg 1, Rome Total War, Stronghold, Earth 2150, Medieval Total War, Praetorians, Spellforce, Age of Wonders 2, Age of Titans
simulator economic: Europa universalis 3, Simcity 3000, Simcity 4, Patrician 3, Tropico 2, Port Royale 2, Caesar 4
Exista wikipedia btw. Sigur gasesti ceva
Asteas strategice
command and generals zero hour
command and generals
command and generals contra 008
command and generals contra 007
asteas shooter
rage anarchy edition
contra stricke
call of duty
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