Prima data iei warn pe urma iei pe cateva zile depinde de fapta si a treia oara poti sa iti iei alt cont...
Da frate dar tu ce spui e banned permanent doar daca folosesti hack-uri sau script-uri. eu nu folosesc am spus daca exista penalizari in CS GO permanente sau se vor reseta penalizarile. deci penalizarile sunt sau nu permanente daca fapta continua adica omor un player penalizare daca continui penalizare si vreau sa stiu daca e permanent. daca unul e idiot si ii dau cu molotov si ala se duce in molotov inseamna ca ii dau dmg l-am omorat penalizare si tot asa. sau ca ala a avut un HP si l-am omorat penalizare daca mai omor 3 playerii si vreau sa aflu daca penalizarilea stea sunt permanente in cont.
E suficient daca iti da echipa report pentru griefing azi unul maine unul...
Competitive matchmaking cooldown offences:
Abandoning: leaving the match at any point before the end (warm-up included)
Idling / AFKing: after a set period of time (not sure how long) with no activity you will be removed
Excessive team-kicking: unsure of how many kicks constitutes excessive, but this does not result in a removal, only a cooldown
Excessive team-killing: after team killing for the third time in one match you will be removed
Excessive team-damaging: after dealing a set amount of damage in one match you will be removed (believed to be around 500 and includes over-kill damage)
Excessive team-damaging at the start of a round: the damage thresh-hold is reduced at the start of the round. You can therefore be kicked for doing less than normal damage thresh-hold in the first moments of the round (unfortunately I don't know how long this lasts for or what it is reduced to)
Regarding excessive team-damage and over-kill. You will often see a player team kill with an AWP to the head. This results in about 400 damage and means the next team damage caused by that player normally results in a kick.
Cooldown offence levels and lengths:
Level 1: 30 minutes
Level 2: 2 hours
Level 3: 24 hours
Level 4: 7 days
Cooldown resets:
Every cooldown received increases your current offence level by 1 (your offence level starts from 0)
Offence levels can be decreased by 1 by going 7 days without receiving a cooldown
The 7 days does not begin until your current cooldown has expired
Offence levels can rise above level 4, but 7 days is the maximum cooldown duration
Confusion can arise for extreme abusers when the offence level goes over 4
An example:
A player reaches offence level 4 and gets their first 7 day cooldown on January 1st. The cooldown expires on January 8th. The player can now play in competitive matchmaking again, but their offence level is still 4.
They receive another cooldown on January 9th and receive another 7 day cooldown (because they were still offence level 4), their offence level rises to 5. Their ban expires on January 16th and they don't commit any offences for a week. Their offence level drops back to 4.
Essentially, if you get your second or third 7 day cooldown in a row, it means you need to have two or three clean weeks after it expires before your offence level drops below 4 and therefore will receive cooldown lengths other than 7 days.
Cooldown reset information
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