Salut iti spun eu niste jocuri interesante(nu stiu daca le poti rula, daca nu ne-ai dat configuratia pc-ului tau)
-Far Cry 3(sau 2 daca nu iti merge asta)
-Assassin's Creed IV(II-Brotherhood)
-Splinter Cell:Conviction
-Mafia II(I)
-Sleeping Dogs
-Just Cause 2(1)
-Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Batman Arkham Origins(Arkham City-Arkham Asylum)
-The Amazing Spider-man
-Gta iv
-Max Payne 3(2)
-Call of Duty Ghosts(Black Ops II-Black Ops)
-Test Drive Unlimited 2(1)
-Gta Sa
-Tomb Raider
-Battlefield 4(3-2Bad Company)
-Crysis 3(2-1)
-Need For Speed Rivals
-Need For Speed The Run
-Aliens Colonial Marines
-The Witcher 2
-Darksiders 2(1)
-Saints Row IV
-Saints Row The Third
-Naruto UNS3 Full Burst
-Pro Evolution Soccer 2014(2013-2012)
-Fifa 14(13-12-11)
-Asseto Corsa
-Dead Island Riptide(Dead Island)
-PayDay 2
-Call of Juares The Cartel
-Lost Planet 3
-Dead Space 3(2-1)
-Mass Efect 3(2)
-Alan Wake
-Bioschok Infinite
-Metro Last Light(2033)
-X-Men Origins: Wolverine
-Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
-Overlord II
Cam atat.
Call of duty, far cry, max payne, Assassin's Creed, mafia 2,
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, prince of persia, hitman, sniper 2, deus ex,
Le-am incercat pe toate .Ms ori cum
Gta samp, cs 1.6, prototype, metin2, mafia 2, farming simultor 2013, atata stiu funda?
Salut! Acuma depinde si de ce componente ai tu in pc...
Si ce genuri de jocuri iti plac. Uite cateva exemple:
Outlast (care e cel mai cautat acuma)
DayZ+Arma II (pe acesta trebuie sa-l platesti)
Ar fi si seriile Call Of Duty, BattleField... Sau Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (singeplayer+Multiplayer), Grand Theft Auto 4 (singleplayer+Multiplayer), Minecraft sau tot asa seriile Tom Clancy's care sunt foarte apreciate. Daca iti plac jocurile "horror" poti incerca Dead Island + Riptide... Nu stiu nici ce jocuri iti plac. Sper ca ti-am dat cateva idei
Majoritatea le am.Jocuri gen Mafia, Gta
Antoniajahah întreabă: