"Why is the equation editor selection grayed out?
You may have saved your document in a format that does not support the Equation Editor. Try selecting "File" > "Save As…" and save the document as a ". docx" file or "File" > "Convert" to update the document to the latest format.
Alternatively, you can create a new copy of the document. Select "Save As" and then choose the location and the folder where you want to save the new copy. Type a new name for the document in the "File name" box, and click Word Document in the "Save as" type list. Make sure the checkbox next to "Maintain compatibility with Previous versions of Word" is unchecked."
Folosesti un format care nu suporta ecuatii sau, cum mi s-a mai intamplat, Word este extrem de confuz cu fisierele intr-un format care suporta, create intr-o alta versiune de Word.
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