Înseamnă că l-ai scos din Startup. Nu mai pornește o dată cu calculatorul și ce-i drept nu-ți consumă inutil resurse.
Eu zic că e bine așa cum e acum.
Dacă ții neapărat să-l ai acolo, vezi aici cum adaugi un program în Startup: http://answers.microsoft.com/......6c814c7d50
Deci din ce mi ai dat tu acolo nu prea am inteles. Am cautat alt tutorial:
To add Windows Task Manager (or any program) to your Startup folder (that will make it work each time you start the windows and you will see it in the system tray), please follow the below instructions:
1. Click Start>Programs, then right click on Startup folder and choose Open.
2. On the Startup window, go to File menu and choose New>Shortcut.
3. In the dialog box click the Browse button to specify the Task Manager program, it's by default at C:\windows\system32\taskmgr.exe (Where C is the partition that your windows XP is installed on).
4. After specifying the program path, click next and finish. Then you will see a new shortcut (computer icon) in the Startup folder.
5. Right click on that shortcut and choose Properties, select Minimized from the Run combo box, and click Ok, then close the Startup folder.
6. At the next time you start your computer the program will run automatically and you will see it in the system tray.
I hope that help.
Pe acesta l-am urmat dar tot nu merge cred ca ceva din windows nu merge.