F1 2012
MUD - The Game
SBK Generations
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends
Dirt Showdown
FlatOut 3: Chaos and Destruction
Bang Bang Racing
Trucks and Trailers
TrackMania 2: Canyon
F1 2011
Need for Speed: The Run (NFS: The Run)
Driving Simulator 2011
SBK 2011
Cars 2
18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker 2
Call of duty 4 modern warfare
Call of duty world at war
Call of duty modern warfare 2
Call of duty black ops
Call of duty modern warfare 3
Battlefield bad company 2
Battlefield 3
Resident Evil 6
Borderlands 2
Bioshock Infinite
Far Cry 3
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Aliens vs Predator
Dead Space 2
Crysis 2
Bafta! Funda?
Ai putea sa iei Batman Arkham City.Nu este exact ca prototype dar este cel mai bun action/adventure al anului.Seamana putin cu el ca poti sa zbori si ii caftesti pe aia pe acolo la greu.
Masini: TDU 1, 2, Toate NFS, Blur, Juiced.
Impuscaturi : Singularity, Bulletstorm, Borderlands, Toate Call of Duty, Battlefield, Call of Juarez.
Gen Prototype nu stiu... Funda?
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