Hey! Uite aici o lista cu jocurile pe care eu lea-m jucat (si eu am placa aceasta video) :
Call of duty 4, mw, mw2, mw3, bo1, ( low setting)
Battlefield bad company (low setting)
Gta san andreas
Nu incerca gta 4 iti va merge praf...
League of legends (low setting)
Mafia 2 + DLC (low setting)
MTA (Gta san andreas MP)
Assassin creed 1, 2, broderhood, revelation, ac3
Wolfenstein 2009 (deci jocul asta e super)
Bioshock 1, 2, Infinite (low setting)
The walking dead
The wolf amoung us
Borderlands (low setting)
Far cry 1, 2 (low setting)
Might and magic heroes 3, 4, 5
Need for speed undergorund, underground 2, Most wanted, CArbon, Pro street, Undercover, Nfs hot pursuit 2010
Crysis 1 (low setting)
Crysis 2 (low setting)
Dirt 2 (medium)
Dirt 1
Alan wake (low setting)
Mass Effect 1, 2, 3
Placa video e o petarda. Ia la puricat toate jocurile din 2008 maxim. Ai destule...
Modern Warfare 3, GRID, FarCry 2, Duke Nukem 3D, TES Oblivion, Colin MCrae DIRT, etc.
Orice pana in 2008. Dai si tu un google search ca tot omul... 'top pc games 2007' e simplu
League of legends. Dota. Bf2. Nfs undercover. Gta 4. World of tanks. Multe nu le pot enumara pe toate. Ps nu e chiar asa petarda placa video. E slaba dar sunt si mai slabe.
GTA San Andreas
Battlefield 2
NFS Most Wanted
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