Uite aici o lista cu toate jocurile ce au aparut sau apar in 2012. Lista inca nu e completa (e facuta pe luni), dar, revin-o pe acel site pentru a vedea toate jocurile ce apar in 2012, 2013, si tot asa.
Uite aici: http://www.gamesfront.net/jocuri-pc/ce-jocuri-apar-in-2012-2
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos!
World of warcraft cataclizm freakz edition, call of duty modern warfare 4, pes 2012, fifa 12, america's army spiderman friend of foe thomp rider: underworld, harry potter, the order phoneix Medal of horror:airborne. sper ca ai avut din ce alege daca nu, spune-mi
Am gs mai multe decat tine
mersi o sa le incerc. tinema la contact daca mai apare vreun joc now
. MS.
Fundita imi dai?
Pai online are fi : WoW, League Of Legends (gen DOTA), Dungeons & Dragons, Lord of the Rings
Iar PC : gta 4, assassins creed revelations, Fifa 12, Dead Space 2, call of duty modern warfare 3 si multe altele.
Daca vrei jouri mai gasit :
Call of Duty Black ops
Call of duty modern warafre 3
Need for speed the run
Need for speed hot pursuit
Need for speed shift 2
Need for speed world (online)
Slip second
Battlefield 3
Asassins Creed Revelation
Counter Strike Global Offensive