Decat daca ai sigiliu pe pc, recomand sa-ti cumperi o placa video dedicata de cel putin 512mb GDDR3 pe PCI-E. placa integrata de 96 mb iti trage calculatorul jos de tot. in fine, ai aici cateva jocuri. majoritatea jocurilor din lista de mai jos iti vor merge si sunt faine.
FPS shooter: Quake 2/3, Half Life 1/ Half Life Opposing Force (expansion), Unreal Tournament (UT99), Unreal 1/ Unreal Gold, Unreal 2 The Awakening, No One Lives Forever 1, Gunman Chronicles, Serious Sam 1, Max Payne 1/2, Postal 2, GTA 3, Cstrike 1.6, Call of Duty 1/2, Call of Duty 1 United Offensive (expansion), Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Soldier of Fortune 1/2, Delta Force 1/2/3, Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis, Blood 2, Aliens vs Predator 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein
horror: Silent Hill 2/3, Resident Evil 3, Clive Barker's Undying, Alone in the Dark 4, House of the Dead 2/3,
Stealth - Thief The Dark Project, Thief Gold, Thief 2, Hitman 1/2/3
RPG: Gothic 1/2, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Nox, Diablo 1/2, Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Arcanum, Divine Divinity
Racing: NFS underground 2, NFS 5 Porsche, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, Flatout 1, Carmageddon, Crashday
adventure/arcade: Prince of Persia Warrior Within, PoP The Two Thrones, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project etc, Worms armageddon, neighbours from hell, Ballance, Crimsonland, Hoyle Board Games, Freespace 2
strategie rts: Warcraft 3 reign of chaos, Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, Age of Mythology, Rome Total War, Empire Earth 1/2, Age of Empires 2/3, c&c Red Alert 2, Blitzkrieg 1, Stronghold, Earth 2150, Simcity 3000, Commandos, Desperados, Praetorians
point and click: syberia 1/2, tunguska, Escape from Monkey Island, Sam and Max season 1/2/3, Runaway, Myst 5
gasesti aici cateva (carmageddon, simcity 3000, max payne 1, blood 2, house of the dead 2, unreal tournament 99, quake 2, quake 3, delta force 3, resident evil 3, commandos, desperados, zoo tycoon, rollercoaster tycoon, etc etc )
Scrie numele jocului in dreapta, la 'search'. vezi pe youtube clipuri de gameplay sa stii care iti place
Scrie destul de clar: Intel Graphics Controller 96 MB
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