Iata cateva:
-Call of duty Modern warfare, Black ops toate
-Assassin's creed toate
-Elite sniper 1, 2
-Prototype toate
-Far cry 1, 2, 3
-Counter strike
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. toate
-Battlefield toate
-Crysis toate
-F.E.A.R. toate
-Left 4 dead toate
-Bioshock toate
-Sniper:Ghost warrior
-Half life toate
-Brutal legend
-Mafia 1, 2
-Dead space toate
-Rezident Evil/Biohazard toate
-Metro Last light, 2033
-Dead island
-Medal of honor toate
-Fall out toate
-Just cause toate
-Darksiders toate
-Dead island
Cel mai mult mi-au placut seriile Assassin's creed, Call of duty, Far Cry.
Call of duty ( toate )
tomb raider
battfield 3, 4
watch dogs ( inca no aparut, nici batt 4 )
assasin`s cread (toate)
rain row (toate)
the witcher 1, 2
crysis (toate)
far cry (toate)
Dead pool ( ii si comedie jocul =) )
star wars(toata seria)
max payne (toata seria)
Mass Effect (toata seria)
Mafia 1, 2
The Darksiders II
Dead Island 1, 2
Dead Racing
Sper ca te-am ajutat, BFT, funda!
Metro 2033
Metro Last Light
Tomb Raider
Far Cry 3
Crysis 2
Crysis 3
Assassin's Creed 3
Bioshock Infinite
Dead space 3
Si dintre acestea cel mai mult mi-au plauct Assassin's Creed 3, Tomb Raider si Metro Last Light.
adrianboss2011 întreabă: