Uite doua dintre ele: WoW(World Of Craft) si LoL(League Of Legend), astea sunt cele mai jucate. Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor.
Uite aici 15mmorpguri care chiar mi-au placut :D
15. City of Steam - http://www.cityofsteam.com/
14. Wizardry Online - http://www.wizardrythegame.com/
13. Archlord X - http://archlordx.webzen.com/
12. Phantasy Star Online 2 - http://pso2.jp/
11. Wildstar - http://wildstar-online.com
10. Neverwinter - http://nw.perfectworld.com/
9. RaiderZ - http://raiderz.perfectworld.com/
8. Dragon's Prophet - http://www.dragonsprophet.com/
7. Blade & Soul - http://bns.plaync.com/
6. The Secret World - http://www.thesecretworld.com/
5. TERA - http://tera.enmasse.com/
4. Guild Wars 2 - https://www.guildwars2.com/
3. Age of Wulin - http://wulin.gpotato.eu/ | http://www.ageofwushu.com/
2. Otherland - http://otherland.gamigo.com/
1. ArcheAge - http://www.archeage.com/en/