Urmatoarele sunt RTS si RTT. majoritatea sunt mai vechi, pentru ca am vazut ca si jocurile listate de tine nu sunt tocmai noi:
Age of Mythology, age of empires 2/3, c&c Red Alert 2, c&c Generals, Blitzkrieg 1, Rome Total War, Stronghold, Earth 2150, Praetorians, 1944 Battle of the Bulge, Red Siege Moscow to Berlin, Spellforce, Empire Earth 1/2, Sacrifice, Crusader Kings 1/2, Cossacks
Incearca universe at war, supreme comander forget aliance, supreme comander 2, civilization 5
Knights of Honor,
Age of Empires,
The Settlers 1/2/3/4
Port Royale
Patrician III
RollerCoaster Tycoon
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile
Patrician II: Quest for Power
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