De fapt acolo sunt 2 genuri total diferite.
Gen "Mafia2, GTA IV": Mafia 1, Godfather 1 si 2, Bully (e ceva gen GTA, doar ca esti bataus, la scoala, dupa poti sa te plimbi si in afara scolii).
Gen "L4d": L4D 2, Killing Floor, Resident Evil 5, Dead Rising 2.
Am doar trei cuvinte despre acel joc:-------/////////-------san-sndreas multiplayer------\\\\\\\\ ------- distractie placuta!
Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Black Ops, Assasin Creed 2, Need For Speed The Run, CrossFire ( e multiplayer, gen shooter ) STALKER 2, Fifa 2012, PES 2012, Serious Sam 3, Gothic 4, Fable 3, FEAR 3 Sper ca ajung
Devil May Cry 4, Just Cause 2, The Godfather 2, Prototype, Seria PoP si CoD si multe altele. funda
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