Ninja Blade
Burnout Paradise
Star Wars-Jedy Knight
Call Of duty:BLAck Ops
Mac Ray 5
Need for speed world
Spider-man 3
Kung fu Panda
etc am multe jocuri .bft
1.Call of Duty Black OPS
2.Mass Efect 3
3.Dead Space 2
4. Dirt 3
5.The Witcher 2
1.Assassin's Creed Brotherhood(ubisoft)
2. Darksiders(e si pe PC sunt la jumatea jocului)
3. Spiderman Shattered Dimensions
4.Call of Duty Black Ops(regret ca nu imi merge)
5.Prince of Persia The Two Thrones
Fifa 07
Gta 3, 4, San andreas, Vice City...
Crazy Taxi 3
Mortal Kombat
Need For speed : undercover, shift, shift 2, carbon, underground, underground 2, porsche 2000, hot pursuit, hot pursuit 2
Assassin creed brothewood spiderman web of shadows avatar game assassin creed gta 4