Start the game with the "C:LOCATION OF GAME\MOHAA.EXE" +set developer
+set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cl_playintro
0 command. Start a single player game, then press ~ to display the console
window. Enter one of the following codes.
Note: Change +set cl_playintro 0 to +set cl_playintro 1 if you wish to view
the introduction sequence. For versions of the game higher than v1.10, edit
the starting command as described, then go into the advanced section of the
options menu. From there, you can activate the console manually.
When in the game press ~ to display the console window.
Put in one of the following cheats.
Result Code
Gives player all weapons - wuss
God mode - dog
Full health - fullheal
Full health - fullheald
No clipping mode - noclip
Remove target - notarget
Third person view - toggle cg_3rd_person
List inventory - listinventory
Teleport to indicated location - tele [x y z coordinates]
Level select - map [map name]
Level completed - fadeout
Restart level - restart
List maps - maplist
Display current coordinates - coord
Set health - health [number]
Suicide - kill
List models for Allies - playermodel
Set walking speed - set sv_walkspeed [number]
Set gravity - set sv_gravity [number]
Spawn indicated weapon - giveweapon weapons/"[weapon_name]".tik
Set run speed - set sv_runspeed [number]
Set rocket/grenade speed - set sv_maxvelocity [number]
Unlock mission 2 - seta g_m2l1 "1"
Unlock mission 3 - seta g_m3l1 "1"
Unlock mission 4 - seta g_m4l1 "1"
Unlock mission 5 - seta g_m5l1 "1"
Unlock mission 6 - seta g_m6l1 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_eogmedal2 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_eogmedal1 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_eogmedal0 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_medal5 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_medal4 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_medal3 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_medal2 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_medal1 "1"
Unlock medal - seta g_medal0 "1"
List spawnable soldiers - lodspawn
Spawn indicated solider - cmd spawn [soldier name].tk
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