Prototype 2 A aparut acum 10 luni [ Jocul DEMO, dar din pacate nu au dat semn de viata cei de la ubisoft, deci nimeni nu stie cand va apare jocul full version]
Max payne 3 se zicea ca va apare in martie 2012, deci. asteptam.
Gta 5 S-a zis ca apare in 15 ianuarie dar vad ca nici-un semn de viata.
Assassin's creed 3 : 30 octombrie 2012.
The formalization of the release date? Rockstar will come gradually. For those who have not followed the latest news on Grand Theft Auto V, summarized briefly. Monday, two foreign retailers have updated their information on the album by announcing that the game will end in March 2013. Yesterday, 2K Games (a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive) reported in its financial report that the title to the fame titanic would be sold at about the same date. It only needs the formalization of the publisher.
Rockstar has just put online a job offer for Grand Theft Auto V. The studio is looking for a tester for a period of one year in his studio in Scotland. Knowing that the testing phase takes place throughout the game development, we can assume that we will find perhaps the series in 2013 and not late 2012. It remains to be the exact launch date of Grand Theft Auto V. All the rumors and all our questions about the date and the game itself will probably find no answers before a long time, if the year of release is proven. Wait & see …
Aici scrie (dupa cate am inteles eu) ca se va lansa in Martie 2013.
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