Toate astea sunt jocuri RPG:
Ati uitat de Gothic 1/2/3
Ar mai fi:
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Risen 2
Gothic 4 Arcania
Throne of Darkness
Elder Scrolls-Oblivion
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Diablo 1/2
Diablo 3 va aparea luna viitoare
Hristos a inviat!
Uite cate jocuri de strategie care mie imi plac mult (majoritatea sunt medievale):
-Rome Total War
-Medieval 2 Total War
-The Great Battles Medievals
-Age Of Empires 3
-Company Of Heroes (acesta nu mai este medieval)
-Theatre of the war kursk 1943 (aceeasi poveste ca la jocul de mai sus)
Iar ca jocuri RPG:
-The Sims 3
-Assassins Creed
-Max Payne 2
-Call of Duty 4
-Saints Row The Thierd
-Mafia 2
-The Godfather2
Bafta si sarbatori fericite!
Company of heroes, medieval 2 total war, vindictus, world of warcraft, the settlers, fable 2, overlord, forsaken, dungeon siege 2, wicher, dragon age.
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