Daca nu vrei simulatoare sport sau masini, atunci vrei action sau RPG.
Cateva jocuri care le am jucat cu mare placere!
Resident evil 5 [favoritul meu]
Resident evil 4
medal of honor 2010
medal of honor airbone
battlefield bad company 2
fear 3
operation flashpoint the red river
call of duty moderwarfare 2
call of duty black ops
men of war [seamana oarecum cu starcraft dar este tare ]
men of war red tide
call of juarez bound in blood
Drakensang The Dark eye
Drakensang The river of Time
Gothic 3
Sper sa ti placa!
Have fun!
Euro Truck Simulator Need For Speed German Truck 18 Wheels si cam atat stiu funda?
VannY_7754 întreabă: