Ar trebui schimbata procesorul. AMD X2 nu se fabrica de 3 ani. Incearca urmatoarele jocuri:
NFS Undercover, NFS Hot Pursuit, GRID, NFS Carbon
Call of Duty MW 1/2/3, Medal of Honor 2010, Duke Nukem Forever, Bioshock 1/2, Metro 2013, ARMA 2, Sainds Row The Third, Slender the Arrival, Amnesia The Dark Descent
TES Skyrim, Risen 1/2, Gothic 3, Gothic 4 Arcania
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012
Just Cause 2
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Toate Call of Duty(2, 3,4, moder warfare si blackops) Fifa11 mi se pare cea mai frumoasa, Amnesia The dark descent si cred ca tiar merge binisor Far cry 3 nu neai zis placa video! si the walking dead survival instinct funda?
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