You believe in democracy and find that freedom and rights are the most important component of a society. You believe that everyone is born equal and that there should be a strong constitution to ensure people are free to act as they please as long as they don't hurt each other. You hold a progressive attitude to most moral issues and believe that new and different cultures and lifestyles are good for society. You are in favor of science, technology, and globalization. To you, traditions and religion are not that important.
There are liberal political parties in most democratic countries. Some examples include:
America: Democratic Party
European Union: ALDE (and their national members)
Canada: Liberal Party
Japan: Democratic Party
The freest country in the world is Estonia.
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As vrea sa mai scriu ceva, sunt categoric PRO DEMOCRATIE si absolut tot ce inseamna asta, dar nu sunt pro anarhie, sa nu le confundam, romani de 30 de ani le confunda, multi cred ca democratia inseamna anarhie a face ceea ce vrei,a nu exista legi,a fura,ucide,viola,nu suntem in jungla si aia au un sistem de reguli,democratia nu trebuie cenzurata dar trebuie respectat fundamentul democratiei,sa nu devenim radicali,comunisti sau anarhisti,pe net sunt multe minciuni, presa minte mult, multe carti cu afirmati mincinoase,cred ca uitam de democratie si mergem spre anarhie, ma ucid sa fur ceva ca e democratie ce naiba, avem nevoie de legi mai bune, culmea e ca comunisti, nazisti, facisti spun ca de ce sunt cenzurati pai ei nu cenzurau ipocriti
1. Republican
2. Pe partea dreapta-autoritariana
3. Dreapta-colectivism
4. centrist social authoritarian
5. Conservator
Ar fi frumos un astfel de test, dar adaptat la tara noastra. Multe, aproape toate intrebarile din teste, erau raportate la politicile din SUA.
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