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Ce bunuri exporta Romania in alte tari?

Pentru a răspunde la o întrebare trebuie să ai cont pe TPU.ro
4 răspunsuri:
| anonimg a răspuns:

Muncitori. Atât mai are bun România.

| KovacsB a răspuns (pentru anonimg):

Si fete muncitoare

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Hribii din Maramures sunt trimisi cu tirurile in Germania.
La fel miere de albine.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

The following is a list of the exports of Romania. Data is for 2017, in billions of United States dollars, as reported by The Observatory of Economic Complexity. Currently the top thirty exports are listed.

Rank Product Value ($ billion)
1 Vehicle parts 7.09
2 Insulated wire 4.55
3 Cars 4.04
4 Refined petroleum 1.96
5 Rubber tires 1.79
6 Seats 1.72
7 Electrical control boards 1.69
8 Wheat 1.47
9 Ball bearings 0.942
10 Low-voltage protective equipment 0.941
11 Electric heaters 0.916
12 Leather footwear 0.899
13 Packaged pharmaceuticals 0.788
14 Non-knit women's suits 0.770
15 Corn 0.731
16 Rolled tobacco 0.729
17 Liquid pumps 0.718
18 Electrical lighting and signalling equipment 0.693
19 Passenger and cargo ships 0.673
20 Air pumps 0.666
21 Non-knit men's suits 0.655
22 Spark-ignition engines 0.643
23 Sunflower seeds 0.622
24 Other furniture 0.589
25 Rapeseed 0.581
26 Iron pipes 0.570
27 Telephones 0.549
28 Thermostats 0.546
29 Sawn wood 0.534
30 Engine parts 0.520