Pai cred ca dupa cuvantul "WITHOUT" ar trebui sa pui :, nu.
1. Nu ", or to listen to music."
Daca pui virgula, nu mai pune "or".
Si nu "to listen", pentru ca e infinitivul. Foloseste "listen" (fara "to")
"Without the internet I cant talk with my friends."
"I can'T" (trebuie s apui apostrof.)
"I like to eat wafers Joe"
Ar fi mai bine "wafrs OF" (adica "de").
ps: sunt faine ideile
Da de apostrof nu am mai pus da stiu ca si la can't si la don't, da m-am grabit, oricum multumesc. da la aia cu listen deci ii or listen to music?
Da, fara virgula. Si fara "to".
I need it for informations for school, I like to play games on internet or listen to music.
Imformation este fara s!
On the internet.
Poti sa pui acolo in loc de healthy " much healthier"
To the vet.
Ai putea pune " and she's healthy"
She always comes *
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