Doamne! Mare lucru nu faci cu competentele lingvistice la engleza asa zisul test Cambridge.
Testele sunt relativ usoare nu prea ii vad rostul sa te apuci asa devreme alegerea iti apartine. Un prieten care vorbeste engleza de super balta a luat b1 (sa iti faci o idee foloseste in loc de "the" "ză" )Complexitatea cuvintelor sa nici numai zic. Intelege un text partial, dupa ce o citeste de 3-4 ori, apoi ii ia un timp mai indelungat sa argumenteze un text. Recomand chat-uri internationale si recapitularea la gramatica. Daca stai 2 luni maxim cate 1 ora, 1 ora jumate, poti sa te echivalezi cu un C1 sau intr-un caz mai putin fericit B2.
Destul de greu care nu isi da interesul deloc.Eu in urma cu multi ani 5-6 vorbeam cu o fata din Irlanda, dar s-a cam racit relatia de prietenie.Ei ii placea corespondenta clasica "letter" in adevarat sens al cuvantului. Dupa acest timp nu am mai comunicat cu persoane ci doar am citit diferite articole pe internet. Acuma cum sunt in Norvegia engleza e perfecta si mi-am dat drumul iar la "papagal" si scris mi-am facut prieteni pe aici.
Depinde de conditii, engleza e pentru clasici, incerc sa o invat...
Dar nu este asa de grea precum se spune. Dupa parerea mea cred ca este mai usoara decat limba romana.
Eu o invat, acum si este destul de interesanta. Tu inveti engleza?
And he shall answer: Very well, Sir, thank you for asking! I'm a derpy fish!
I speak well in english and I always love to learn something new at this subject, because it's my favourite school subject.I feel free when I'm speaking in english, so I think my english is: "Very well, Sir, thank you for asking!"(from ShadeAdda)
Comment again to my answer if you want to practice more.
What am I doing here? Well, looking for a nice conversation, obviously. And trying to keep the boredom away from me ^_^
Deoarece joc jocuri online MMO straine in engleza m-am vazut nevoita sa invat si sa folosesc prescurtari in engleza. Le folosesc numai in mediul virtual, nu intr-o conversatie fata-n fata, la scoala, la un test, etc.
There is something called "gaming language", bud.
And you got to get used with it.
Poti sa-mi dai linkul jocurilor MMO online? Thanks and have a beautiful night...
Two of the games I'm still playing:
Free Realms -->
Fly For Fun (FlyFF) --> m=game&a=download
I used to play more games simultaneously years ago, but I stopped giving so much attention on gaming since highschool, so I chose two games to focus on. I used to play AQW, S4League, MicroVolts, EpicDuel, DragonFable, Wizard101 (when I was little), Canaan Online, Rapelz.
For more games, check MMOHuts!:
You'll find here all the existent MMO games (3D/2D - downloadable/browser). Well, most of them.
See you around.
Thanks,you are so good at english, sure better than me, good luck...
No problem! And I'm sure you are really good at English too. Just keep practicing it and you will be a top notch on it Thanks tho!
How old are you? Can we speak on skype or mess, I want to improve my english, please?
If you want to improve your english, we can talk haha, i know the message wasn't for me
I'm 16. And I do have an msn ID, but I usually don't give it away to persons who I don't know face to face. Sorry about that.