Are un rating foarte bun
4, 32 din 811 comentarii
Uhtred, the central character and narrator, is a more interesting figure than I found him in the two previous books, perhaps because he seems to be starting to realise that life is not always quite as simple as "if it annoys you, kill it, if it wears a skirt, hump it". He is even beginning to get a glimmer that Alfred is more than a priest-ridden wimp; the two men are never going to like one another, and therein no doubt lies several more books' worth of dramatic conflict, but there's-a hint of respect starting to emerge. Alfred's daughter Aethelflaed, now aged 9, gets a walk-on part, so it looks as if Bernard Cornwell is still setting up to make her the heroine of later books in the series - as the historical Aethelflaed deserves. I confess I was also mildly gratified to see that I had correctly spotted her husband-to-be when he first appeared in Book 1. A feature I particularly liked about Lords of the North is that it shows the Danes and the English beginning to mingle and integrate in Northumbria.
Although this is Book 3 in the series, all the novels can stand alone and you don't have to have read the first two books to read this one.
A rattling adventure yarn full of derring-do. Imagine Sharpe with swords and Vikings rather than rifles and Frenchmen, and you won't be far wrong.
asta e cartea? altceva nu am gasit, dar nu strica sa citesti mai ales despre nord, e interesant asa afli mai mult, eu as citi daca as avea o carte de aventuri despre popoarele nordice
Nu, e asta
(aia cu toporu)
Actiunea practic e inaintea ca romani sa fi venit in Anglia, cand armata daneza saxoni vine in Anglia se naste limba engleza, plus multe, si eu sunt curios de nasterea limbii engleze
Are un rating foarte bun
4, 32 din 811 comentarii
Uhtred, the central character and narrator, is a more interesting figure than I found him in the two previous books, perhaps because he seems to be starting to realise that life is not always quite as simple as "if it annoys you, kill it, if it wears a skirt, hump it". He is even beginning to get a glimmer that Alfred is more than a priest-ridden wimp; the two men are never going to like one another, and therein no doubt lies several more books' worth of dramatic conflict, but there's-a hint of respect starting to emerge. Alfred's daughter Aethelflaed, now aged 9, gets a walk-on part, so it looks as if Bernard Cornwell is still setting up to make her the heroine of later books in the series - as the historical Aethelflaed deserves. I confess I was also mildly gratified to see that I had correctly spotted her husband-to-be when he first appeared in Book 1. A feature I particularly liked about Lords of the North is that it shows the Danes and the English beginning to mingle and integrate in Northumbria.
Although this is Book 3 in the series, all the novels can stand alone and you don't have to have read the first two books to read this one.
A rattling adventure yarn full of derring-do. Imagine Sharpe with swords and Vikings rather than rifles and Frenchmen, and you won't be far wrong.
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