Hello! I m writing this letter to you, still ashamed after all this time, because of the ugly way i chose to say goodbye to all the Exotic Dining stuff, when i left surprisingly.
I wish through this letter to apologize for this, and last but not least to thank you for all of your confidence, kindness and support you gave to me, during the time we worked together.
I hope you all are fine!
I wish you all the best! Keep going the good work you do at restaurant! You have all my respect! All the best!
PS: i am fine, in case of you ask. I'm in Romania for some time, i chose to continue my studies here!
Mersi mult!
Iti trebuie ceva formal? Ca ce ai primit e cam informat.
Si vezi ca acolo e dining staff nu stuff.
Ceva intre gen. nu neaparat formal, dar nici prea personal. Daca ma poti ajuta cu ceva mai personal, si nu iti iau din timp. as dori sa citesc si formula ta.
Da. am observat si eu acolo la stuff. Mersi!
Daca e asa e ok cum a scris el, dar as avea niste modificari.
Cred ca si acolo e "keep doing the good work at the restaurant"
Dupa i m writing this letter nu e nevoie sa pui "to you" ca se subintelege si e ciudat.
"rude way to say goodbye"
"when i left unexpectedly"
"to apologize for leaving this way"
"for your trust" (nu confidence)
"you gave me"
"best wishes" in loc de all the best
in case you ask
Mama, acum am realizat cate greseli sunt.
Mi-am dat seama după )
Thanks! Raman dator.
Sa vedem cu ce. )
JCDenton întreabă: