*Daca ai nevoie de prietenia mea si ne despart 100 de pasi, fa tu primul pas si le voi face eu pe celelalte 99 pentru tine.
*Un iubit te poate injunghia in inima, un strain in fata, un prieten pe la spate. Dar prietenii adevarati nu poarta cutite la ei. (A boyfriend stabs you in the heart, a stranger stabs you in the front, a friend stabs you in the back, but best friends don’t carry knives.)
*Prietenii adevarati sunt ingeri, chiar daca au uitat sa zboare…
*Un prieten adevarat e greu de gasit, si mai greu de parasit si imposibil de uitat. (True friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.)
*Daca saruturile sunt valuri/ Iti voi da o mare./Daca imbratisarile sunt raze/ Iti voi da un soare./ Daca prietenia ta e o stea/Iti voi darui toata galaxia /Pentru ea.
*Sunt inconjurata de ingeri. Ii numesc simplu PRIETENI. (I’m sorrounded by angels. I call them FRIENDS.)
*Dintre toti cei care vor intra in viata ta, numai prietenii adevarati vor lasa urme in inima ta. (There will be many people who will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints behind.)
*Un prieten adevarat e acela care iti accepta trecutul, te sprijina in prezent si te incurajeaza in viitor. (A friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.)
*Prietenia este ca relatia dintre mana si ochi. Cand mana se raneste, ochii plang. Si cand ochii plang, mana le sterge lacrimile. (Friendship is like the relation between hands and eyes. When the hand gets hurt, the eye cries, and when the eye cries the hand wipes its tears.)
*O prietenie care ia sfarsit n-a existat de fapt. (A friendship that can end, never really began.)
*Nimic nu-ti poate schimba mai mult parerea despre un prieten ca succesul. Al tau sau al lui. (Nothing changes your opinion of a friend so surely as success: yours or his.)
*Prietenii vin si pleaca, dar pe cei adevarati ii pastrezi toata viata.
*Drumul spre casa unui prieten nu este niciodata prea lung. Ca si calea spre inima sa. (The road to a friend’s house is never long.)
*Un prieten adevarat crede in tine atunci cand tu ai renuntat sa mai speri. (A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.)
*Fereste-te de explicatii. Dusmanii oricum nu te vor crede, iar prietenii nu au nevoie de explicatii. (Never explain–your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.)
*Never forget the people who made you who you are.*She’s my best friend. Break her heart and I’ll break your face!
*Cel mai bun accesoriu pentru o fata: prietenii ei. (The best accessory a girl can have: her best friends.)
*Laughing until your stomach hurts is what friends are for.
*E mult mai usor sa transformi prietenia in dragoste decat dragostea in prietenie. (It’s much easier to turn friendship into love, than love into friendship.)
*You know you’ve got the greatest friends when the only time they make you cry is when you’re laughing too hard.
*Friends are forever. Boys (girls) are whatever.
*Good friends don’t let you do stupid things… alone.
*A true friend is like a good bra: supportive, hard to find and close to your heart.
*A best friend is like a 4-leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have.
*Friendship is like China bowl: once broken, can be mended but crack is still there.
*A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
*A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.
*Nu-mi spune cum sa-mi aleg prietenii. Ma pricep la asta. Ca dovada, te-am ales pe tine.
*Un prieten vede tristetea din ochii tai, in timp ce ceilalti se lasa pacaliti de zambetul tau.
*Cel mai bun motiv sa mergi la scoala: prietenii.
*Dragostea nu tine de vointa, dragostea e un sentiment. Daca oamenii ar putea hotarâ singuri de cine sa se indragosteasca, viata ar fi mult mai simpla, dar mai putin magica.
*Dragostea e atunci cand nu vrei sa mergi la culcare pentru ca realitatea e mai ceva ca in visele tale…
*Dragostea e ca o flacara care lumineaza si incalzeste totul in jur. Dar daca te apropii prea mult, s-ar putea sa-ti arzi aripile.
*Ingerii din cer te-au chemat la judecata pentru ca mi-ai furat inima, mi-ai invadat gandurile, mi-ai furat visele si mi-ai deturnat tot sensul vietii. Sentinta este o viata intreaga alaturi de mine. Cum ai vrea sa pledezi, vinovata sau nevinovata? (uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart, tresspassin in my dreams and robin me of my senses, uv been sentenced 2 a lifetime with me, how do u plead?)
*Cele mai frumoase perechi din lumea asta:
Luna & noaptea
Privighetoarea & cantecul ei
Trandafirul & dragostea
Tu & zambetul tau
Tu & eu.
Continua sa zambesti si sa ma iubesti.
*(Most wonderful pairs in the world are:
*E trist cand o iubesti/far’a putea spera,/dar mult mai trist/cand nu-ai curaj sa-i spui/ce simte inima ta.
(It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what hurts more is to love someone, and never find the courage to let them know how you feel.)
*Am cunoscut multe fete/pana sa te-ntalnesc pe tine/ Dar pana acum n-am cunoscut/o fata asa dulce ca tine. (I have liked many but loved very few. Yet no-one has been as sweet as you. )
*Daca un inger si un demon s-ar indragosti unul de celalalt, ar putea ei transcede Raiul si Iadul? Ar putea ingerul sa renunte la aripi? Ar putea demonul sa stea in lumina?
*Singurul leac pentru iubire este sa iubesti mai mult. (There’s no remedy for love but to love more.)
*Se spune ca iubirea este cel mai grozav sentiment din lume, dar experienta dovedeste ca cel mai minunat sentiment din lume il traiesti doar cand te indragostesti de persoana potrivita. Nu te grabi sa iubesti pana nu esti sigur.
*Danseaza ca si cum nu nimeni nu te-ar vedea, canta ca si cum nimeni nu te-ar asculta, iubeste fara teama ca te-ar putea rani cineva si traieste fiecare zi ca si cum ar fi ultima din viata ta.
(Dance like no one’s watching; sing like no one’s listening; love like you can’t get hurt, and live like there’s no tomorrow.)
*Nu exista suferinta mai mare ca atunci cand porti cu tine in suflet o iubire nemarturisita.
*Nu te plange ca trandafirii au spini, bucura-te ca ei exista.
*Daca ai sta in fata oglizii cu o duzina de trandafiri in mana ai putea sa vezi cele mai frumoase 13 lucruri din lumea asta. (If you stood in front of a mirror and held up a dozen roses you would see the 13 most beautiful things in the world.)
*Poate ca nu sunt cea mai draguta, cea mai desteapta si cea mai bogata fata. Dar cu siguranta sunt cea mai norocoasa pentru ca ma iubesti. (I may not be the prettiest, smartest or richest girl, but I’m the luckiest because I got you!)
*E mult mai usor sa transformi prietenia in dragoste decat dragostea in prietenie. (It’s much easier to turn friendship into love, than love into friendship.)
*Sa ma bucur pentru ca suntem prieteni sau sa fiu trista pentru ca mai mult de atat nu vom fi niciodata? (Should I smile ‘cause we are friends or cry ‘cause that ‘s all we’ll ever be?)
*I wanna take you away… / let’s escape into the music… / dj let it play…/ I just can’t refuse it/ like the way you do this… / please don’t stop the music…
*I’m scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love… it never seems to last.
*Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.
*Prefer sa ma urăsti pentru ceea ce sunt, decat sa ma iubesti pentru ceea ce nu sunt. (I preffer to be hated for what I am, than loved for what I’m not.)
*Dreams are for dreaming/ So I dream of you./ Hearts are for beating/Mine beats only for you./ Angels are for keeping. /May I keep you?
*You’ll never guess what would I do/ just for the pleasure of a moment with you.
*You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me.
*The best part of being in love is when you just love a person and be happy about it.
*Priveste in ochii mei si ma vei gasi. Priveste in inima mea si te vei regasi.
(Look into my eyes and you’ll find me. Look into my heart and you’ll find you…)
As fi in stare sa cuceresc cu o singura mana lumea intreaga, atata timp cat tu ma tii de cealalta.
(I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.)
*Daca as putea, ti-as aduce lumea intreaga la picioare. Dar nu pot, asa ca tot ce iti ofer este lumea mea.
(You deserve the world, but I can’t give that to you. So I’ll give you the next best thing….my world.)
*Thousands of stars are in the sky/ but you are the one in front of my eye.
(Pe cer sunt stele o mie/ dar numai una mi-e draga mie.)
*Noaptea trecuta priveam cerul si am inceput sa numar stelele una cate una. Mi-am dat seama ca doua stele lipseau si stiu ca tu le-ai furat, pentru ca acum le vad in ochii tai.
(Last night I was looking at the sky and I started counting the stars. I noticed that two were missing and I cant help but feel that you stole them, because today, I saw them in your eyes.)
*Do you know where you should be? In a dictionary as the definition of perfect.
(Stii unde e locul tau? In dictionar, pentru a explica cuvantul "perfect".)
*Pana sa te intalnesc nu stiam cum e sa zambesti fara motiv.
(Before I met you I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason.)
*Babe, when I look at you, I don’t see a girl, I see a goddess.
*I never knew someone could be so close to perfect. Till I met you…
*The beat of your heart plays my favorite song…
*There are almost 7 billion people in the world, but the only one I want to be with is you.
*When I die, I don’t care where I go, heaven or hell, as long as I’m with you.
*God made me, then he made you, then he whispered, "meant to be together"…
*There are trillions of stars in sight, but only one I can touch.
'People come and go, sadly. Even the ones you thought you’d never lose.’
"But I will soon forget the color of your eyes and you’ll forget mine"
It is never too late to make things right.
The worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could, and it still wasn't good enough.
Make sure you don't start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you. Know your worth even if they don't.
You can always take the easy way out & give up but real strength comes when you decide to keep pushing no matter what the circumstances are.
Don't expect someone who gets around, to stick around.
There is no need for revenge. Living happily ever after is a sign that you have not let the past beat you.
Keep calm and carry on. Don't let people bring you down. Focus on those who love you, forget the ones who don't.
"Ca să ştii cine eşti cu adevărat trebuie să faci de toate, ca să ştii ce ai în cap şi cât poţi să duci, trebuie să trăieşti, câteodată, periculos."
The only things that should matter is what you accept, stop living your life to be accepted.
Instead of always trying to fix things, realize you deserve better and move on.
Don't waste your time on people who see you as you were instead of as you are. If they can't let go of the past, let go of them.
One of the best things in life is realizing you're perfectly happy without the things you thought you needed the most.
Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.
Sometimes, you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who doesn't care about losing you.
Sometimes the one who walked away was not punishing you. They were giving you a gift. There is a such thing as "good" bye.
Don't stress over people in your past. There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but worse to regret.
Do not chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you and stay.
You can always take the easy way out & give up but real strength comes when you decide to keep pushing no matter what the circumstances are.
De dragoste - http://statusuri-de-dragoste-md.blogspot.ro/
De viata- http://www.statusurinoi.org/statusuri-de-viata/
De prietenie- http://statusurimd.blogspot.ro/search/label/Despre%20Prieteni
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