| vfb a întrebat:

Am ascultat la cineva o melodie,,, dar nu stiu cum se numeste,,,, suna cam asa dance dance move your body slow,,,, help mee plase

Răspuns Câştigător
| calusarul a răspuns:

100% asta e melodia, dar n-aș putea să-ți spun cine o cântă sau cum se numește.

7 răspunsuri:
| SkittlesS a răspuns:

Connectr roca bomb?

asta-i draga?


| moniii_1083 a răspuns:

Cred ca e vorba de Narcotic sound- dansa bonito! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp5felozvek

| mihaela0205 a răspuns:

Nu stiu sigur Simplu-Dancer for money http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT8fOGdu3tg

| SaBriinaa a răspuns:

Alexandra Stan-Mr Saxobeat?(12%) sau
INNA - 10 Minutes (80%)?

| Sedicina_Antonio_1987 a răspuns:

This song is a mystery...

| Sedicina_Antonio_1987 a răspuns:

This song is a mystery. I have an MP3 file of this, simply named "Track 05", since 2012, without any title.
I googled the same words too many times, but I only found questions like this one.
I also tried to "shazam" it, uselessly.
The style is a typical "Romanian dance", similar to Elena Gheorghe’s "Disco Romancing" and most of Inna’s songs.