Combina muzicala e veche? Ai cumparat-o recent?
Poate capul de inregistrare pe caseta nu mai e functional.
Cum faci inregistrarea de pe disc pe caseta?
E bine sa citesti manualul care spune asa:
1. Doar in compartimentul Deck 2 poti inregistra pe caseta.
2. Primele si ultimele 6-7 secunde de pe caseta (banda ei) nu se inregistreaza nimic.
3. Daca cd-ul e protejat prin drepturi de autor, nu se poate transfera pe caseta.
Preparation for recording
1 Press TAPE to select tape deck 2.
2 Load a recordable tape into tape deck 2 with full
spool to the left.
3 Prepare the source to be recorded.
CD – load the disc(s).
TUNER – tune to the desired radio station.
TAPE – load the prerecorded tape into tape
deck 1 with the full spool to the left.
AUX – connect external equipment.
When recording is in progress REC starts flashing
It is not possible to listen to another source,
except tape dubbing.
It is not possible to activate the timer function
during recording or tape dubbing
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