1. Michael Jackson-They Don't Care About Us
2. Michael Jackson-Smooth criminal
3. Michael Jackson-Jam
4. Michael Jackson-Give in to me
5. Michael Jackson-Cry
Uite o melodie care imi place foarte mult:
Cel mai mult imi place melodia asta deoarece simt ca ma regasesc in ea 8->.
Mie-mi place foarte mult melodia asta.
Just enjoy it!:)
Britney Spears - Sometimes
Gwen Stefani - What you waiting for
Lady Gaga - Paparazzi
Pffff imi plac multe:p...all things good-nelly furtado, morning in the dark-justin timbaland, rihanna rousian roulete, sexy love, indianotech :X:X:X, morena my love... daca vrei iti mai zic ca stiu multe
ascultale pe toate.cred ca o sa-ti placa macar una
Edward maya-this is my life
Liric-nu ma suntem impreuna
Akon-silver and gold
JLS-beat again
aceasta este melodia mea actuala preferata dar acum depinde ce muzica iti place tie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps8hCFfaScg
Mie una imi plac foarte mult melodiile din Twilight New Moon: http://www.cinema8.ro/melodii-twilight-new-moon/
The black ghosts - full moon
mayday parade - jersey
natalie imbruglia- shiver
boys like girls-let go
daughtry- no suprise
the fray-you found me
matchbox twenty-unwell
a day to remember-if it means
sunt mai multe dar pe astea le ascult cel mai des...
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