Acum e calm, ca mearea intr-o frumoasa zi cu soare
Ani de furtuna m-au pregatit pentru schimbare
Am evoluat mai repede fortat de imprejurari
Copil crescut printre injuraturi, visam imbratisari
Tin minte certuri acasa, cand doream linistea noastra
Acum e altfel in viata si doar tacerea ma apasa
Ortega & Nimeni Altu' - Mantra Păcii
"I begin to assemble what weapons I can find,'cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind."
Si: "There are things we can do, but from the things that work there are only two, and from the two that we choose to do, peace will win and fear will lose."
'Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive I have wasted my life.'-A. Rimbaud. Ti-as fi scris si in romana, dar parca nu mai imi exprima aceeasi emotie.
Bunà!, E fàcutã de mine, dà o geanà :D
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