O lista intreaga? Stai ca pune nenea o discografie acu
Fight Fire with Fire
Ride the lightening
For Whom Bell Tools
Fade to black
Trapped under Ice
Creepeing Death
The Call of Ktulu
Master of Puppets
The Thing That Should Not be
Welcome Home
Disposable Heroes
Lepper Messiah
Damage, Inc
The Small Hours
THe Wait
Crash Course in brain surgery
The Wait
Last Caress
Am I Evil
THe prince
Stone Cold Crazy
So What
Killing time
(multa munca frate)
And Jutice For all
Eye of the Beholder
The Shortest Straw
Harvester of Sorrow
The Frayed ends of sanity
To live is to dye
Dyers Eve
Ain`t my bich
The House Jack BUilt
Until it sleeps
Hero of the day
King Nothing
Bleeding Me
Poor Twisted me
Wasting my hate
Mama Said (super piesa)
The thorn within
The Outlaw Torn
Free Speech for the Dump
Nicolae Guta-Viata mea, banii mei, femeile mele (glumeam )
It`s Electric
Sabbra Cadabra
Turn The Page
Die, Die my darling
Mercyful Fate
Wihsky in the jar
tuesday`s gone
the more I see
Enter Sandman
Holier Than You
The Unforgiven
Wherever I may Roam
Don`t thread on me
Through the never
Nothing Else matters
Of wolf and man
THe God that failed
My friend of missery
The Struggle Within
(inca 2 albume, pot sa o fac )
The Memory Remains
Devil`s Dance
The Unforgiven 2
Better than you
Carpe Diem Baby
Bad Seed
Where the wild things are
Prince Charming
Low Man`s lyric
(Si ultimu album doamnelor si domnilor, imi curge sange din degete doamnelor si domnilor, deci doamnelor si domnilor, ultimul dar nu cel din urma, though e mai slab decat restul, Doamnelor SI DOMNILORR...Death Magnetic!) (inchidem Paranteza)
the way just you lie
the end of the line
the broken beat and scarred
all nightmare long
the unforgiven 3
Judas Kiss
Suicide and redemption
My Apocalipse!
asta a fost ultima
Vezi ca ti le-am pus in ordine cronologica sa nu obosesti.
Am depus ceva munca aici
Hev a gud dei
Probabil ai ascultat Nothing else matters, asta este cea mai difuzata melodie a lor. Oricum nu este foarte greu sa dai un search pe google cu "metallica songs". Si cu siguranta vei gasi melodia cautata
Bai, poate chiar devin enervanta si imi cer scuze, dar...
De ce nu scrieti cu doi de " l ", frate?!
Claudia5788 întreabă: