| HelloKitty_9514 a întrebat:

am compus o melodie in romana dar care suna mai bine in engleza.(cel putin, ajutata de google). I-am gasit si melodie la inceput incepe lent si refrenu e rock sau. ne-lent"hee hee dar cum stim toti ca tovarosul nostru >Google-Traducatorul, e varza va rog sa ma ajutati da nu cu google translate) :O3! sa pot traduce versurile corect! versurile sunt:

1)încă o promisiune de-a ta.

Am crezut în ea, am sperat în ea.

Dar e destul.

E prea târziu.

Pentru că :

Ref: M-ai mințit de-atâtea ori;

Iar eu am crezut ca de fiecare dată;

Am crezut că te vei schimba;

Dar. mi-am dat seama că ești un monstru

Un monstru, un monstu, un monstru yeaahh! un dezastru, Ahaaaa!

1)Mă suni, îmi spui că de data asta nu vei mai greși...

Prostii, Prostii...

Căci m-am convins...

Ai făcut-o de-atâtea ori;

și ai mai putea să o faci încă o dată.

Asa că:...


(si asta e faza aia de sfarsit care vine mai G-yah laughingnu stiu cum se num. dar poate sunteti voi draguti si-mi spunetibatting eyelashes )

Spune-mi, Spune-mi...

îți face plăcere sa ma rânești?

Spune-mi, spune-mi...

Cu ce vrei sa ma mai fraierești și de data asta...

Dar baby, mi-a ajuns!

Pentru că baby, prea mult am așteptat...

Să te schimbi...

Dar se pare ca eu sunt cea ce s-a schimbat.

Ref: 2X

pls heeeeelp! dau funda celui ce ma ajuta!

Răspuns Câştigător
| DeeDee a răspuns:

Another of your promises
I hoped and believed in it
But I’ve had enough.
It’s too late

R: You’ve lied to me so many times
And I believed as always
I thought that you would change
But then I realised you’re a monster
A monster, a monster, a monster yeaaah! A disaster ahaaa!

Calling me, you say you’ll never wrong me again
So much bullshit, bullshit
For I know for sure
You did it so many times
And you could do it again

R: You’ve lied to me so many times
And I believed as always
I thought that you would change
But then I realised you’re a monster
A monster, a monster, a monster yeaaah! A disaster ahaaa!

Tell me, tell me
Do you enjoy hurting me?
Tell me, tell me
How will you play me this time?
Baby, I’ve had enough!
Because baby, I’ve waited way too much
For a change
But I’m the only one that changed


...nu cred ca as putea sa o fac sa si rimeze

1 răspuns:
| Pufulete456 a răspuns:

Another of your promises
I hoped and believed in it
But I’ve had enough.
It’s too late

R: You’ve lied to me so many times
And I believed as always
I thought that you would change
But then I realised you’re a monster
A monster, a monster, a monster yeaaah! A disaster ahaaa!

Calling me, you say you’ll never wrong me again
So much bullshit, bullshit
For I know for sure
You did it so many times
And you could do it again

R: You’ve lied to me so many times
And I believed as always
I thought that you would change
But then I realised you’re a monster
A monster, a monster, a monster yeaaah! A disaster ahaaa!

Tell me, tell me
Do you enjoy hurting me?
Tell me, tell me
How will you play me this time?
Baby, I’ve had enough!
Because baby, I’ve waited way too much
For a change
But I’m the only one that changed