Pfff... interesanta intrebare. Vad ca e 2 in 1 ca samponu'. Am vrut sa-ti raspund la prima intrebare, dar cand am vazut-o si pe a doua... am uitat raspunsul la prima!
For those about to rock, TNT, The Jack, Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, Shoot to thrill, Rock n roll train, Givin' the dog a bone, War machine, Stiff upper lip, Hard as a rock, Big Gun, High Voltage, If you want blood you've got it, It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll, Let there be rock, Riff Raff, Big Jack, Who made who, Big Balls, etc.
Ce zici de big gun, rock and rool train, shoot of love,the jack,are you redy,fire your guns,hells bels, inject the venom, mony talks, rock n roll in nous polusionshon shoot to thrill, back in black, T.N.T, etc...
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