| PoisonKiss a întrebat:

am o intrebare : cine stie melodii faine de la ACDC in afara de : Hells Bells, Thunderstruck, Highway to Hell, Shook me all night along, Jailbreak si While Lotta Rosie. Dar o fata 13-14 ani care nu are prieten sa dea mesaj. big grin mersi

4 răspunsuri:
| Ronnix a răspuns:

Pfff... interesanta intrebare. Vad ca e 2 in 1 ca samponu'. laughing Am vrut sa-ti raspund la prima intrebare, dar cand am vazut-o si pe a doua... am uitat raspunsul la prima! laughing

| checkmybrain a răspuns:

For those about to rock, TNT, The Jack, Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, Shoot to thrill, Rock n roll train, Givin' the dog a bone, War machine, Stiff upper lip, Hard as a rock, Big Gun, High Voltage, If you want blood you've got it, It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll, Let there be rock, Riff Raff, Big Jack, Who made who, Big Balls, etc.

| Acvila a răspuns:

@checkmybrain Big Balls e preferata mealaughing

| crissycrissy2000 a răspuns:

Ce zici de big gun, rock and rool train, shoot of love,the jack,are you redy,fire your guns,hells bels, inject the venom, mony talks, rock n roll in nous polusionshon shoot to thrill, back in black, T.N.T, etc...