| alyely a întrebat:

Care este melodia voastra preferata?happy:X

11 răspunsuri:
| NOname a răspuns:

Am mai multe.


| All3x4You a răspuns:

Heiwinking am mai multe preferate gen: Evanescence- My immortal, Tarja Turunen- Die Alive, Marco Hietala - High Hopes etchappy daca mai vrei lasa-mi mesaj cu id-ul tau de skype/mess. Succeshappy

| Cameliapantiru a răspuns:

Scorpions-"Wind of Change"

| Transformika a răspuns:

NR.1 DJ Antoine- Something In The Air
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m24cTp4qNW8
NR.2 Britney Spears -Inside Out
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ntNlH2AcFk

| nustucenumesapun a răspuns:

Cedry2k - vipere
nico and vinz - am i wrong
stephen marley-made in africa
deliric- ambrodoc - genti de bani
doc-100 de linii
zale - traim ca'n brooklyn

| sappy a răspuns:

Black Sabbath-Psycho Man

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Una!? Imposibil!
Nine Lashes-Break the world
Red-Run and escape
My Chemical Romance-The ghost of you
Like a storm-I love the way you hate me
Decyfer down-Memory

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Basto - Again And Again.

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