Nickelback - Far Away, Theory Of A Deadman - Not Meant To Be, Theory of a Deadman - Wait For Me (Daca o asculti p'asta, plangi )
Daughtry-it's not over; september;
Evanescence - Hello
Flyleaf - All Around Me
Paramore-all i wanted
hey monday-wish you here
VersaEmerge - You'll Never Know
incubus-i miss you
hinder-without you; lips of an angel;
Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes
the afters-beautiful love
Faber Drive- It ends
Guns n roses-don't cry
guns n roses-november rain
guns n roses-sweet child o' mine
aerosmith-i don't wanna miss a thing
bon jovi-always
bon jovi-bed of roses
doar astea imi vin in minte acum
sper sa iti placa.
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