1.Florence and the machine- never let me go
2. Jason Walker- echo
3.Ron Pope - a drop in the ocean
4. James Vincent McMorrow - We Dont Eat
5.The Strange Familiar - Redemption
6.Ed Sheeran - Give Me Love
7.The fray - never say never
8.Birdy- skinny love
9.Ross Copperman - Holding On And Letting Go
10. Plumb- cut
11. Courrier - Between
12. Whitin Temptation - all i need
13.Christina Perri - Distance
Te rog din toata inima sa le asculti pe toate. Sunt niste melodii extraordinare, le ascult si ma regasesc in ele. Melodiile astea le ascult zilnic, ma linistesc, sunt superbe. Majoritatea le stiu din serialul The vampire diaries daca stii. In fine nu conteaza, tot ce vreau sa spun e ca sunt superbe toate. Sa le asculti!
Three Days Grace - Never Too Late
dead by april carry me
dead by april losing you
dead by april what can i say
dead by april promise me
dead by april stronger
Green day - wake me up when september ends
eluveitie- a rose for epona
Eyes Set To Kill - Give You My All
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