| YoyoOoOo a întrebat:

Buna TPU :*
Am o intrebare urgenta laughing!
Am nevoie de o melodie.
Imi amintesc doar cateva versuri unde spunea:
Where is the love
Where is the love
Where is the love love love.
Where is the love
Where is the love
Where is the love love love. [ de vreo cateva ori ]
I came alone, alone, alone...
Alone, alone.
I came alone, alone, alone.
Sau poate ca nu am inteles eu bine versurile...
Dar vreau neaparat melodia straight face.
O am inregistrata pe telefon, am cautat-o si cu Shazam, dar nu o gaseste sigh!
Ofer fundita :*!

5 răspunsuri:
| YoyoOoOo explică:

Nu e niciuna straight face

| leonardo a răspuns:

Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?

| 0Mark a răspuns:

laughing Manele pe engleza laughing rolling on the floor)