Alecs, electro/dubstep nu se canta. Sunt produse din instrumente atat virtuale cat sti reale(pe calculator, respectiv orga, kaoss pad, sintetizator etc.) Skrillex, Doctor P, Borgore, Skream, deadmau5, David Guetta, Flux Pavilion, Wolfgang Gartner, Nero, Knife Party, Datsik, AbovenBeyond. Aici poti gasi cel mai tare dubstep/ DnB: UKF DUbstep si UKF Drum and Bass. Ambele le gasesti pe youtube.
Skrillex, Flux Pavilion, Nero, Knife Party, Doctor P, Borgore, Skream cam astia sunt cei mai tari!
Nero, Skrillex, Pendulum, Nosia, Downlink, Feed Me, Excision, Kill the noise, Borgore, Eptic etc.
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