Uneori stau si ma gandesc doamne
Nu stiu cum sa ii multumesc, cum
sa-i multumesc pentru tot ce a facut
mi-a dat curaj sa devin cine acum sunt
K m`antarit fata mergi inainte,
O s`ai parte si de fapte nu doar de cuvinte
Orice ar fi voi fi aici mereu,
Stii bine te poti baza, ai sprijinul meu
mi-ai dat doamne tot ce`i mai frumos nu se putea,
mi-ai dat speranta s`o traiesc si`o traiesc prin ea,
mi-ai fost alaturi zile bune si nopti grele
cand plangeam din despartiri sau barfe rele,
De mici copii ea mereu ma apara,
Acum ca`i mare e ca si mama mea,
Ma alinta ma rasfata cat se poate,
Si`mi da si pumni sa ma trezesc la realitate
Amanunte par fara importanta
Dar ma poarta prin viata
Le simti si tu iubito
Cand pare ca nu`i soare
C`un dans el iar apare
In ochii tai mai umezi
De`atata fericire
Si iti place... Orice ti-as face
Zambetul tau ...Tot mai mult ma atrage
Detin controlul...Mai schimb decorul
Si tot ce fac... E din corason
George Nicolescu:
Ai putin. dar e atat de mult
Iubirea ta si`o masina veche
Ma duce pe un drum lipsit de tristetze
George Nicolescu:
Doar cu ea...Atat de plina`i viata
Atingerea ta pentru mine`i avere
Cand suntem aproape simtim doar placere
I love you... I love you girl. I love you
Randuri. le scriu fara sa`ntreb de ce
Le voi lasa in trecere
Aruncate pe`un perete
Acorduri.se tot aud in strada
E`un cantec ce ne leaga
De la prima intalnire
Si iti place... Orice ti-as face
Zambetul tau ...Tot mai mult ma atrage
Detin controlul...Mai schimb decorul
Si tot ce fac... E din corason
Ai putin. dar e atat de mult
Iubirea ta si`o masina veche
Ma duce pe un drum lipsit de tristetze
George Nocolescu:
Ai putin. dar e atat de mult
Iubirea ta si`o masina veche
Ma duce pe un drum lipsit de tristetze
George Nicolescu:
Doar cu ea...Atat de plina`i viata
Atingerea ta pentru mine`i avere
Cand suntem aproape simtim doar placere
Spune`mi e bine sa te culci cu mine
Si totusi te simtzeai atat de bine
Acum iubito cum vei mai juca
In inima mea s`a`ntamplat ceva
Si iti place... Orice ti-as face
Zambetul tau ...Tot mai mult ma atrage
Detin controlul...Mai schimb decorul
Si tot ce fac... E din corason
George Nocolescu:
Ai putin. dar e atat de mult
Iubirea ta si`o masina veche
Ma duce pe un drum lipsit de tristetze
George Nicolescu:
Doar cu ea...Atat de plina`i viata
Atingerea ta pentru mine`i avere
Cand suntem aproape simtim doar placere
Nu uita:
Stelele care cad… nu pier
Stelele care cad se duc spre un alt cer.
Ma inalt catre soare in bratele tale iubesc la infinit.
Starry nights city lights coming down over me
Skyscrapers and stargazers in my head
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown
This dirty town was burning down in my dreams
Lost and found city bound in my dreams
And screaming
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting
And screaming
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting
Forget me nots and second thoughts live in isolation
Heads or tails and fairytales in my mind
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown
The rage and love, the story of my life
The Jesus of suburbia is a lie
And screaming
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting
And screaming
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting
And screaming
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps4eNTN5Cx0 )
Daca`si putea ia`si da parte din mine.
Vreau s`o vaz zambind, urland de fericire.
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
[verse 1]
I wanna pull you over, pull you under
Make your body surrender to mine
Girl you can make me suffer, do whatever
Cuz I know youre one of a cand
Tell me who can love you, nobody
Hold you, nobody
Make your body wind, like me
You will never find someone like me
Who can love you, nobody
Hold you, nobody
Make your body wind, like me
You will never find someone like me
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
[verse 2]
Imma spin you around, push your buttons
Buy you plenty of stuff
Then ill take you down, to the bottom
Work you all the way to the top
Mohombi Bumpy Ride lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/mohombi-bumpy-ride-lyrics.html
Tell me who can love you, nobody
Hold you, nobody
Make your body wind, like me
You will never find someone like me
Who can love you, nobody
Hold you, nobody
Make your body wind, like me
You will never find someone like me
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
[verse 3]
On top of my love gain and youre gonna get it tonight
Im focused im ready girl im gonna give it to you right
I wanna pull you over, pull you under
Make your body surrender to mine
Girl you can make me suffer, do whatever
Cuz I know youre one of a cand
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
I wanna boom bang bang with your body eu
Were gonna rough it up before we take it slow
Girl lemme rock you rock you like a rodeo
(Its gonna be a bumpy ride)
mohombi bumby ride
nu e pref mea da e misto:x
Zbor zbor pana dincolo de nori nori.
De sus vad orasul e o floare se inalta mereu catre soare si eu si eu.
Poate sti.mai sti cum ai ajuns aici cum ai luptat cu jungla de asfalt cu pasi mici
Poate sti.sti cum e sa traiesti aici orasu stie tot ce faci stie tot ce simti
Poate sti cum e sa fii judecat sti cu toata finta ta ca esti vinovat
Poate sti de unde vi si cine esti dar toate astea se vor schimba in Bucuresti.
Noapte si zi orasul e un camp de lupta pierzi sau castigi.
Bine ai venit in Jungla!
Zbor zbor nimeni nu ma poate opri.
Zbor zbor sunt mult prea aproape de stele.
Departe visele mele.
Vreau sa zbor zbor pana dincolo de nori nori.
De sus vad orasul e o floare se inalta mereu catre soare si eu si eu.
Timpul trece altfel cand esti singur singur.
Orele se duc si nu se mai intorc sigur.
Noapte cand se sting luminile se deschid cluburile si gurile rele barfesc figurile le le.
Le invat din mers zi de zi pas cu pas vers cu vers
Nimic nu e ceea ce pare te simti asa de mic intr-un oras atat de mare mare.
Noapte si zi orasul e un camp de lupta pierzi sau castigi
Bine ai venit in Jungla!
Zbor zbor nimeni nu ma poate opri.
Zbor zbor sunt mult prea aproape de stele.
Departe visele mele.
Vreau sa zbor zbor pana dincolo de nori nori.
De sus vad orasul e o floare se inalta mereu catre soare si eu si eu.
Grasu XXL
Bine ai venit in Jungla!
Aici primesti cat sa iti ajunga
Student in primul an sperai ca o sa iti gasesti de munca
Nu tot ce zboara se mananca.nu inca
Si uite cum se schimba blugi in pantaloni la dunga
Orasul e in picioare motivul il stim cu toti
Acuma toate sunt legale
Aici inspita umbla goala
Sa moara business vorba asta e capitala
Nimic nu e ce crezi
Ai grija cu cine umbli ca sa nu te accidentezi
Si cand ai realizat tot ce ai venit sa realizezi
Sampania sa curga.
Bine ai venit in Jungla!
Zbor zbor nimeni nu ma poate opri.
Zbor zbor sunt mult prea aproape de stele.
Departe visele mele.
Vreau sa zbor zbor pana dincolo de nori nori.
De sus vad orasul e o floare se inalta mereu catre soare si eu sï eu.
Mda sunt multe versuri misto:X
eu ascult hip-hop acum nu stiu daca iti place si tie da o sa spun versurii care imi plac
Arssura-goluri in stomac super piesa si imi place versurile
Esti roman mah, si uneori te doare al dracu’,
Cand nu te regasesti in Creanga ci in Nimeni Altu’,
Nimeni altu raperi de ca. t La concerte ii vad pe toti, cu mainile pe sus
Dar prea putini inteleg si acel mesaj ascuns
Printre injuraturi
Adica toate versurile lui nimeni altuu sunt misto:X e un geniu al hip-hopului
We're like a melody with no words
Until we figure it out
We sing
La, la, la, la, la, la
I know it's simple, yeah
But it's worked right up 'til now
Cause, up 'til now, yeah
Every day's been like a dream world,
oh, but now you're not just in my head
oh, no
Will we remember different summers?
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we're starting all over again and again and again
Oh, You know that I can't help but wonder
What's gonna happen next.
I'm a little curious, oh yeah
Every star that I stood under,
When you were under it too
Did you ever think about us?
From http://www.lyricsmania.com/different_summer_lyrics_demi_lovato.html
I hope you did 'cause I can tell you
That's something I'll never forget
I won't forget
If we remember different summers
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we're starting all over again
Only friends
Just beginning
But I hope that we find it again
So we can go from here
Will we remember different summers?
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we're starting all over again oh-oh
Again and again and again and again
Again and again and again
Will we remember different summers?
o adorrrr pe asta mi-a placut de prima data cand am auzit-o :X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X
Spre exemlu mie imi place cintecul"buna dimneata te iubesc zi de zi de tine ma indragostesc.Si cintecul lui Puya "lumea de ince in ce mai rea oare nu vezi ce se-n timla-n jur mai ai nevoie de dovezi...
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