~Turcia: Manga-We could be the same
~Franta:Jessy Matrador-Allez Ola Ole
~Grecia :Giorgos Alkaios & Friends-Opa
Deci :
Turcia: Manga-We Could Be The Same link:' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTBHd7d8Rvw
Grecia: Nu stiu exact cum se numeste cantaretul. melodia este OPA link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqNXoZE3i2s
Franta: furmoasa meldoie:x Jessy Matador - Allez! Ola! Olé!
Link" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbwzBVRUXTM
Turcia Manga-We could be the same
Grecia Giorgos Alkaios & Friends-Opa
Franta Jessy Matador-Allez Ola Ole
Si mie mi-au placut aceste melodii:*
Turcia: MaNga - we could be the same
Grecia: Giorgos Alkaios - OPA
Franta: Jessy Matador - Allez! Ola! Ola!
Grecia : george alkaios &friends- opa!
Turcia : Manga- we could be the same
Franta : Jessy Matador-Allez Olla Olé
Turcia ->maNga-We Could Be The Same
Grecia ->Giorgos Alkaios & Friends-OPA
Franta ->Jessy Matador-Allez Olla Olé
Melodia de la Turcia:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrzRtacm0l4.Melodia de la Grecia:http://lucian-crusher.blogspot.com/......s.html(dai putin mai jos so gasesti melodia)si Franta:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoWUrYlBZbA.Mie mi-a placut Romania evident si Ucraina
Claudia5788 întreabă: