The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californification
Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World
Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Cargo - Ziua Vrajitoarelor
Europe - The Final Countdown
System of a Down - Chop Suey
System of a Down - Question!
System of a Down - B. Y. O. B
System of a Down - Lost in Hollywood
Green Day - Wake Me Up When Semptember Ends
Aerosmith - Crazy
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Guns n' Roses - Don't Cry
Linkin Park - Crawling
Scorpions - Always Somewhere
Lenny Kravitz - Believe in me
Lenny Kravitz - I Belong to You
POD - Youth of the Nation
Limp Bizkit - Rollin'
Metallica - Nothing else matter
Iron Maiden - Afraid to shoot strangers
Iron Maiden - Run to the hills
Judas Priest - You've got another thing comin'
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Judas Priest - Night Crawler
Judas Priest - Blood red skies
Judas Priest - Victim of changes
Joe Satriani - Always with me, always with you
Joe Satriani - What breakes a heart
Deep Purple - Child in time
Helloween - When the sinner
Manowar - The power of thy sword
Manowar - Achilles, agony and ecstasy in 8 parts
Manowar - Hail and kill
Therion - To mega Therion
Therion - Flesh of the Gods
Therion - Deggial
Stratovarius - Will my soul ever rest in peace?
Stratovarius - Hunting high and low
Crematory - Temple of love (cover Sisters of Mercy)
In Flames - Only for the weak
Children of Bodom - Downfall
Children of Bodom - Children of decadence
Metallica - Wherever I may roam
Queen - I want to break free
Queen - Bohemian rhapsody
Moonspell - Opium
Nightwish - Crownless
Nightwish - Moondance
Dire Straits - Tunnel of love
Megadeth - Symphony of destruction
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven
KoRn - Hollow Life
Nightwish - Elven Path
Muse - Bliss (nu stiu daca este printre cele mai bune dar mie imi place)
Metallica - Enter sandman
Marilyn Manson - Tainted Love
Deicide - *** your god
Deicide - Bible Basher
ETC toata disco.
Vital Remains - Unleash Hell
AByssaria - The everlasting fire
Monstrosity - Slaves and masters
Kataklysm - Slither
Vomitory - Blessed and forsaken
Dissection - where dead angels lie
Behemoth - decade of therion
Morbid Angel - Enshrined By grace
Benighted - Foetus
Deranged - Imbecil Humans, drag her out to die
Quo Vadis - Legions of the betrayed
Malevolent Creation - in cold blood
Dying fetus - Grotesque Impalement
Opeth - Nectar
Crown Of Thorns - Misery speacasa
Hypocrisy - The departure
Katatonia - a premonition
For my pain... - Rapture of the lust
Rammstein - Sonne
Linkin Park - Easier to run
Linkin Park - Figure 09
Linkin Park - High voltage
Linkin Park - By myself
Linkin Park - Lying from you
Powerman 5000 - Bombshell
Jerk - Sucked in
Evanescence - Whisper
Evanescence - Tourniquet
Nightwish - Star gazers
TOTO - Hold the line
Alkaline Trio - Mercy me
Linkin Park - One step closer
Nickelback - Someday
Nickelback - How you remind me
Korn - Right now
Evanescence - Whisper
Evanescence - Lies
Green Day - Holiday
...and the list goes on and on...
Eu.Incearca melodiile formatiilor: Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Nickelback, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, Muse. Sunt absolut superbe, nu te lua dupa "metalistii adevarati" ce sa iti povestesc, care considera ca numai rock-ul clasic e bun si ca restul poate fi comparat cu manelele
Tu glumesti, nu?
Mai stiu eu ce tip de rock asculti tu? Mie astea imi plac.
Genul, mai exact? Hard rock, alternativ rock, gothic rock, soft rock?
Sunt prea multe pe care ar putea sa ti le spuna lumea daca nu ne dai niste detalii.
Cauta alice cooper pe youtube.sau ascult ff des melodii de la ei
Secondserenade-fall 4 u, nickel back, simple plan-generation, gun's&russes-welokome to the jungle, the rasmus, evanescence...etc
The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californification
Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World
Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Cargo - Ziua Vrajitoarelor
Europe - The Final Countdown
NightWish -Nemo
cam atat imi trec acum prin mintesper sa te ajute
Iti recomand trupa Shinedown, piese ca,, Save me" sau,, 45" imi alina intotdeauna urechile sau trupa Breacking Benjamin. Lista continua cu:,, Daughtry, Jet Black Stare". Sper sa iti placa ceva. Cu respect Sucre!
Claudia5788 întreabă: