RHCP n-au mai scos nimic de la Stadium Arcadium, din 2006. Cum nu ma uit la tv si nu stiu ce clipuri au mai scos, nu-ti pot identifica exact ultima lor piesa, dar albumul contine asta:
# Title Length
1. "Dani California" 4:42
2. "Snow ((Hey Oh))" 5:34
3. "Charlie" 4:37
4. "Stadium Arcadium" 5:15
5. "Hump de Bump" 3:33
6. "She's Only 18" 3:25
7. "Slow Cheetah" 5:19
8. "Torture Me" 3:44
9. "Strip My Mind" 4:19
10. "Especially in Michigan" 4:00
11. "Warlocks" 3:25
12. "C'mon Girl" 3:48
13. "Wet Sand" 5:09
14. "Hey" 5:39
# Title Length
1. "Desecration Smile" 5:02
2. "Tell Me Baby" 4:07
3. "Hard to Concentrate" 4:02
4. "21st Century" 4:22
5. "She Looks to Me" 4:06
6. "Readymade" 4:30
7. "If" 2:52
8. "Make You Feel Better" 3:52
9. "Animal Bar" 5:26
10. "So Much I" 3:44
11. "Storm in a Teacup" 3:45
12. "We Believe" 3:36
13. "Turn It Again" 6:06
14. "Death of a Martian" 4:24
The Resistance e albumul aparut anul asta de la Muse. Contine piesele:
# Title Length
1. "Uprising" 5:02
2. "Resistance" 5:46
3. "Undisclosed Desires" 3:56
4. "United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)" 5:47
5. "Guiding Light" 4:13
6. "Unnatural Selection" 6:54
7. "MK Ultra" 4:06
8. "I Belong to You (+Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix)" 5:38
9. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)" 4:18
10. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)" 3:56
11. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)" 4:37
"Uprising";"Resistance";"Undisclosed Desires";"United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)";"Guiding Light";"Unnatural Selection";"MK Ultra";"I Belong to You (+Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix)";"Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)";"Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)";"Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)".
La Red Hot Chili Peppers nu au mai lansat un album din 2006.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside ( lansat in 2009 )
Muse - Uprising ( from the new album "The Resistance")
O zi buna tie!
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