Cam astea:
1. Skillet- Rebirthing, It's not me it's you, Comatose, Awake and alive, Would it matter, Hero, Collide, One day too late, The last night, Don't wake me, Believe, Monster, Sometimes, The one, Falling inside the black, Yours to hold, Lucy, Whispers in the dark etc...
Breaking Benjamin- The diary of Jane, Dance with the devil, So cold, I will not Bow, Give me a sign, Without you, Blow me away, Crawl, Breath, etc...
Evanescence- Bring me to live, Missing, Lies, Everybody's fool, Going under, Lost in paradise, Imaginary, Whisper, Taking over me, Haunted, My last breath, Before the dawn, Good enough, Even in death, My heart is broken, Forgive me, Anywhere, Hurt, Together again, etc...
EPICA - Never enough, Unleashed, Storm the sorrow, Cry for the moon, Solitary ground, Blank infinity, etc.
Three days grace- I hate everything about you, Never too late, Time of dying, Break, Pain, The good life, Over and over, Gone forever,
Dead by april-Promise me, Losing you, What can I say, Calling, Lost, Dreaming, In my arms, Erased, Trapped, Stronger, Love like blood, Sorry for everithing
Linkin Park- Numb, Burn it down, In the end, Somewhere I belong, The catalyst, Leave out all the rest, From the inside, Papercut, Faint, Never back down, Crawling, What I've done, etc...
Fit for rivals- Cresh, Damage, Burn, No way in hell, Better of alone, Get with me, Girl in a Coma, Cut off your hands,
Celldweller- Switchback, Frozen, So long sentiment, Eon, Aganist the tide, It makes no difference who we are, Gift for you, Blackstar, Birthright, The arrival, Tragedy
Black veil brides-Fallen angels, Knives and pens, Saviour
Bullet for my valentine- Tears don't fall, All these things I hate, Waking the demon.
Tu aceeaşi listă cu melodii o dai la fiecare întrebare?
Daca lista aia de melodii rock o ascult si vreau s-o recomand si la altcineva, care e problema ta?
Am spus eu că ar fi o problemă?
Doar că tu postezi aceeaşi listă la orice întrebare ce conţine cuvântul rock, de cele mai multe ori lista neavând nicio legătură cu ce se cere în întrebare.
Eu cred ca nu am pus lista aia fara nici o logica aici.
Metallica - "Nothing Else Matters"
Metallica - "One"
Metallica - "Turn The Page"
Metallica - "The Unforgiven I"
Metallica - "The Unforgiven II"
30 Seconds To Mars - "A Beautiful Lie"
30 Seconds To Mars - "Hurricane"
Nirvana - "You Know You're Right"
Nirvana - "Come As You Are"
Scorpions - "Still Loving You"
Sper că am voie să pun şi metal.
Hai să zicem(pun câte o piesă de la fiecare trupă, că dacă aş sta să înşir toate piesele preferate de la o trupă mi-ar lua 10 ani) :
Megadeth - Go to hell
Metallica - Master of puppets
Overkill - Elimination
Kreator - People of the lie
Dio - Holy driver
Exodus - A good day to die
Slayer - Here comes the pain
Mai am ceva, acum m-am axat doar pe thrash. Mi-e lene să mai scriu.
Metallica-the memory remains
kid rock-bawitdaba
kid rock-so hott
kid rock-warrior
kid rock-cowboy
metallica-master of puppets
ac/dc-dirty deeds done dirt cheap
ac/dc-highway to hell
limp bizkit-break stuff
si mai sunt, dar mi-e lene sa mai scriu
Gresit! uta-te aci :
De ce razi melena? uite si pentru tine una, cu dedicatie!
Disturbed-hell, inside the fire, the night, indestructible, down with the sickness
Avenged Sevedfold- nightmare
Megadeth - Go to hell
Bullet for my valentine- tears don't fall
Skillet - awake & alive, monster, hero
Alesana - apology, ambrosie si... cam atat, cred.
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